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- By Amego
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E-Bikes are 18 times more energy efficient than an SUV
E-Bikes are 13 times more energy efficient than a Sedan
E-Bikes are 6 times more energy efficient than rail transit
E-Bikes greatly reduce impact on infrastructure
Amego's main goal is to help protect the environment, by providing a method of transportation that is energy efficient. With the "Electric Movement", and renewable energy sources, picking up momentum, an energy efficient lifestyle is becoming more common in modern cities . It also helps that renewable/sustainable energy has had some great victories recently. With France's new laws that all new rooftops must be covered with plants or solar panels , Tesla's PowerWall , Akons Solar Power Initiative and Government Incentive Programs, sustainable energy is becoming a global necessity. Up to this year, the common perception of ,"going electric", was, for most of us, financially impossible. Tesla's lower tier Electric-Car, in 2015, started at $80,000 ; which is higher than an average Canadian, yearly, household income. In 2016, with the announcement of the Tesla Model 3, affordable electric cars are becoming available everywhere. The perception is changing.
Contributing positively to the environment doesn't take a drastic change in your lifestyle, which a lot of consumers believe otherwise. Helping the environment can be as easy as riding a bike. It's easier to think about E-Bikes as an in-city vehicle alternative, rather than thinking about it as a Bicycle replacement. Instead of jumping into your car on a hot summer day, idling for 30 minutes and driving around for another 20 looking for parking, just jump onto an E-Bike. An E-Bike can go anywhere a bike can go, but it can do it a lot faster.
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